First congratulations on reaching Issue Twenty!

This issue's tone matches the pace and feel of Winter, and is a great reminder of all we have misplaced (not lost, simply not remembered). "Our cultural loss as an industrial society is that we no longer gain meaning from natural surroundings. " This is that high-context culture Tyson Yunkaporta talks about, as opposed to a conceptual-homogeneous culture. Context is fostered and the way all may best thrive is through strengthening those connections and by increasing diversity.

Regarding what we have forgotten, I was completely unaware of the information conveyed in your passages from Rachel Carson about the levels of sea temperature depth variations in Winter. How marvelous to consider the layers of the ocean rising and falling like blankets of currents, alternating between covering and consolidating the minerals and nutrients, and then stirring them upwards to where they are needed in the spring. The beautiful and intricate Sargasso ecosystem of My Octopus Teacher comes to mind.

Somehow I knew before I even reached the section that you would visit the Wendigo. The Accidental Gods podcast I was listening to last night with Manda Scott was retelling this story, in context of the apparent infection of our entire society with this cultural virus. The request was for us to wake up from our somnolence and to become the active agents of our own healing.

On dreaming - I'm resonating with the concept that dreams change with the seasons. My own dreaming has shifted dramatically since last Summer and Fall, when I experienced an incredible outpouring. Even my dreams seem dormant in these months of Winter.

I'm in love with the invitation to Somewhere Else!

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Thanks Adam, a timely article that gives us all a wise nudge to look at the winter that surrounds us and see it in a different light. It urged me to make a paradigm shift from looking at winter as something to overcome, suppress or negate to looking at winter as Nature's own way to recharge, rebuild and ready itself for growth in the coming new year. Winter is a necessary quiet time that we can all use to likewise prepare ourselves for each successive spring. We must acknowledge that we are an integral component of the rhythm of the natural world and embrace it.

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