Jul 21, 2021Liked by Adam Lerner

This is a great read and anticipating Part II. If identifying problem subset(s), informing and counting the many who are interested regardless of nation states, corporate interests might be a goal, some hints are drawn from Dee Hock's Birth of the Chaordic Age.

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Jul 22, 2021Liked by Adam Lerner

This is the key question and realization, "What if human communities are capable of effectively self-organizing without private and centralized authorities?" Based on the work of Rebecca Solnit, our world is not 'nature red of tooth and claw' but instead our crises are marked by humans coming to mutual aid and assistance. Chips are down, now, and we will need to neatly sidestep some of the existing (too old, too slow) structures to give room for new leadership styles, new leaders, new structures to come into being.

The intelligence test that we are currently failing is the continued cleaving to the illusion that we are somehow separate from our own biosphere. This is where any approaches to help large numbers of humans reach what Bill Plotkin and others have termed Eco-Awakening becomes important. We need a consciousness shift that will enable us to change our selves at the level of being, and then we will make the right choices and collaborate from that place, that way of being.

Clearly, one aspect of that is what you treat here, and what Tyson Y. has also mentioned, the concept of land ownership is one that no longer serves us as a species, if it ever did serve the species (rather than only serving the oligarchy).

With regards to concepts of competition and scarcity, I'll simply point again at both Thich Nhat Hanh's jewel-like folio, Interbeing (in which he introduced his concept of 'enoughness') and James P. Carse's wonderfly book, Finite and Infinite Games. The planet and the universe provide more than enough for all - what is limiting us is the greed and fear of a relative few. Let us instead play the infinite game together.

China moved back and forth from the highly structured system of Confucianism in times of peace, to the highly fluid philosophy and way of being reflected in Taoism in times of massive disruption (war, famine, natural disasters, etc.). May we learn from that example and not cleave too tightly to our structures when they will not serve us. It is time to swim away from the sinking boat, and those who are stronger swimmers can assist others to bind together what we can to build a new floating community of our disparate parts.

Your quality of research and writing continues to expand - be thinking about how this all may come together as a book?

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